Thursday 24 May 2012

The Theatre

On Saturday morning we went on Marisca's first outing to the theatre.  We went to one of the theatres in Leeds, the West Yorkshire Playhouse, to see White, which is specifically designed for 2-4 year olds.

It's about the introduction of colour into a white world, so it was great timing as Risky has really got to grips with colours in the past fortnight or so.  The other day I went into her bedroom in the morning to get her up and she said "Daddy, rainbow", pointing at the rainbow on her wall, "red orange yellow green purple, no, blue purple".  I was very pleased.

The show was really great.  The whole thing took place on the stage of a big theatre, with half of the stage having benches and mats, so everyone was really close to the action.  We were on the front row on the floor which was great.  Marisca was truly entranced.  This is our wriggly girl who is always up and about, and she sat still watching the action for 35 minutes with only one swap from mummy to daddy's lap.  She hasn't been that enraptured with anything else, and TV doesn't even come close.  At the end she picked up loads of the little bits of coloured paper and stuffed them in her pockets, and throughout the day kept checking her 'colours'.  Cute.

We enjoyed it too, I have to say.

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