Sunday 23 June 2013

Father's day

Back to the usual approach - posts about specific events at least a week after the event.  I think that's how long it takes for time + memory + energy to arrive at the same point alongside me and the camera upstairs at the computer.

Two particular fun events from Father's Day.  At church I went out with Marisca to Sunday Club, where the children were all encouraged to write answers to questions about their dads, inside a nicely decorated cards. Choice answers from Marisca, to my questioning, below.
My daddy's favourite food is... Salad
My daddy's job is to... Work
My daddy makes me laugh when he... has a funny face
My daddy is the best at... ironing
Hmm, interesting to know how my darling daughter sees me.  Heart warming though too, as "I love my daddy because... he gives me BIG cuddles".

We're also going through a development phase with Marisca, who suddenly wrote her name the other day.  We thought nursery had taught her how to do it, and were impressed.  Nursery thought that we'd taught her.  But she'd just done it herself.  I don't know how, but I'm proud of her for it.

The second event was the Hebden Bridge Hymn & March Tune Contest, which happened to fall on Father's Day.  A pretty standard contest with my new band, Elland Silver, except that after marching down the street, as I walked into the area for the contest, I saw Marisca squealing with excitement about seeing her daddy with his tuba, and telling everyone nearby that I was her daddy.  And that made me play that extra bit better, and made me proud for the second time that day, to be her daddy.

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