Sunday 11 August 2013

Pizza, pasta, but mostly ice cream

The food, the food, the food.  Great pizzas, great pasta, great sauces, great cheese, great bread, great fruit, great tomatoes, great great ice cream.  The Italians don't really do very good crisps though.  Marisca's unprompted highlights of the holiday were ice cream, pizza, and aeroplanes.  We went without ice cream one day, but the day when we had two will go down in Risky's memory for ever, I'm sure.  And Tom got in on the act too.

I can't really pinpoint favourites: some of the pizzas were just superb, the pasta and sauces we had in Pitigliano were brilliant, breakfasts at Montarlese were lovely, and the chocolate and pistachio ice creams in both Rome and Manciano blew me away.  I've somehow failed to photograph any of the food except for some of the ice cream, but I'm sure you'll enjoy these photos anyway.

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