Sunday 4 May 2014

Naming things

Tom has definitely this week gained the hang of naming things.  He doesn't necessarily name them all as we would name them, but he's got the pointing and talking thing sorted.

I suspect in the picture above that Tom is pointing at a duck, which may or may not be there.  Ducks are probably the favourite thing to point at and name.  A close second would be cars and trains, and he's just got the hang of Marisca ('isa') and is incredibly proud to point that out every minute or so.  Aside from that it's shoes, bananas, bowls, chairs, doors, daddy, milk, tea, and other useful day to day words.

And while I'm here, I had to share this picture with you as it is so, so lovely.  I was lying down to photograph some bluebells in the holiday cottage garden and Tom stopped what he was doing to lie down too and watch me. 

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